| Racine Families Association |
THE HISTORY OF THE RACINES IN AMERICA Origins Beginning in the 17th century, many Racines chose America as their promised land. There were at least twenty Racines that decided to come and live in this new continent. They came mostly from France, Switzerland, as well as many other European countries. This document will focus on the most illustrious and the best known of the large Racine family, Étienne Racine, the ancestor shared by the majority of Racines in America. Étienne Racine was born around 1606 in Fumichon, Normandy, France. He was the son of René Racine and Marie Loysel. He had three brothers: Jean, Pierre, and Marguerin, as well as one sister, Marguerite. Étienne's family was the only Racine family in the commune. It is believed that he was related to the Racines located in the villages of Morainville and Neuville sur Authou. Étienne's brother, Marguerin Racine, would have children and his descendants lived on into the 20th century. Unlike his brothers, Étienne was educated, in that he could sign his name and knew how to write. We also believe that Étienne's close relationship with the Jesuits of New France originated from the bonds he developed during his earlier days spent at one of the Jesuit colleges in Normandy. Settlement Étienne Racine arrived in Québec around 1634 after having been hired for three years in France as an indentured servant for Guillaume Hubou, a resident of Québec. Hubou was originally from the village of Mesnil-Durand, which is located near the commune of Fumichon, Normandy. On November 16, 1637, the notary Guilet drew up Étienne’s marriage contract with Étienne's future spouse Marguerite Martin, who was 13 years old at the time, having been born in Québec in 1624. She was the daughter of Abraham Martin, a ship captain, and Marguerite Langlois. Because of Marguerite’s young age, they were only married one year later, on 22 May 1638. The couple had ten children, 4 boys and 6 girls, who produced numerous descendants. Among the girls, Marie Madeleine married Noël Simard, who is the ancestor to the Simard family in America. Marguerite married Jean Gagnon and Jeanne married Jean Paré, both of whom are ancestors to numerous Gagnon and Paré families in America. Étienne left the Québec area for two years (1644-1646) and worked as a carpenter for the Jesuits at St. Marie Among the Hurons mission on Georgian Bay. In 1647, he returned to France with Robert Giffard in order to recruit new settlers. He landed at LaRochelle, France and returned to Québec the following spring. For his participation in this recruitment effort, his friend Oliver LeTardif, Co-lord of Beaupré, granted him a large property, 710 meters wide and 7200 meters deep, on 27 March 1650. The land was located in Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré. Because this land was the first to be granted and cultivated, Étienne could rightfully claim the title of "Founder" of the city of Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré. This would eventually become a famous site for many pilgrimages. Marguerite Martin died on November 25, 1679 and Étienne Racine died on April 24, 1689 at the age of 83. Descendants Étienne Racine divided his land among his four male heirs. Here are some genealogical notes:
Noël Racine He married Marguerite Gravelle in 1667 at Château Richer. They had 10 children. His descendants can be found mostly in Québec, British Columbia, and the United States. In Québec, his descendants can be found mostly in the regions of Québec City, Côte de Beaupré, Charlevoix, Saguenay-Lac St-Jean, La Montérégie, Cantons-de-l'Est, Chaudière-Appalaches, Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec. In the United States his descendants can be found mostly in the states of Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts. François Racine He married Marie Bauchet dit Morency in 1676 at Ste-Famille, Ile d'Orléans. They had 12 children. His descendants can be found in Québec and the United States. In Québec his descendants can be found mostly in the regions of Québec City, Côte de Beaupré, Montréal, Laval, Charlevoix, Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Outaouais, Montérégie, Mauricie, Lanaudière, Centre-du-Québec and Chaudière-Appalaches. In the United States his descendants can be found mostly in the states of Michigan, Rhode Island, New York, Vermont, Montana, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois and California. Pierre Racine He married Louise Guyon in 1683 at Ste-Famille, Ile d'Orléans. They had nine children. His descendants are primarily found in Québec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the United States. Note: Today a few of the Racine descendants bear the surname of Beauchesne only. His Québec descendants can be found mostly in Montréal, Laval, Montérégie, and Lanaudière. In Ontario, his descendants can be found in the communities of Russell, Stormont, Prescott, Cornwall, and Ottawa. In the United-States his descendants can be found mostly in the states of Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York and Vermont. Étienne Racine (son) He married Catherine Guyon in 1683 at Ste-Famille, Ile d'Orléans and the couple had 13 children. His descendants are primarily in Québec, Ontario, and the United States. His Québec descendants can be found mostly in the regions of Québec City, Côte de Beaupré, Montréal, Laval, Laurentides, Lanaudière, Mauricie, Centre-du-Québec, Chaudière-Appalaches, Montérégie, Outaouais, Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Abitibi-Témiscamingue and Bas-St-Laurent. His Ontario descendants can be found especially in the communities of Welland and Ottawa. In the United-States his descendants can be found mostly in the states of Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. General notes - Today in America, there are at least 100,000 descendants of Étienne Racine and Marguerite Martin.
· Of this number, there are approximately 15,000 who bear the Racine name, 8500 of which are in Québec. · In the Canadian telephone directories we find 3000 Racine entries, compared with 2000 in the United States. · Based on the number of people bearing the name, the Racine family ranks 155th in size among Québec’s families. · In 1993 and 1998, the Québec Commission of Topography designated two hilltops in the Côte de Beaupré vicinity as Mount Étienne Racine and the Marguerite Martin summit. They forever memorialize the Racine family name. · These new geographical entities are part of the Laurentians Mountain range and are located on Seminary of Québec lands, at the limits of the cities of Château-Richer and Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré.
ID: I05454
Name: Étienne Racine 1 2
Sex: M
ALIA: Noël Étienne /Racine/
Birth: 11 MAY 1607 in St-Germain, Fumichon, Normandie, Calvados, France 2
Birth: 1604 2
Birth: 1607 in Fumichon, Normandy, France
Death: 24 APR 1689 in Beaupré, Québec, Canada 2
Death: 24 APR 1689 in Ste Anne, Québec, Canada
Burial: 24 APR 1689 Sainte-Anne de Beaupré, Lotbiniere, Québec, Canada 2
LDS Baptism: 15 MAR 1946 2
LDS Baptism: 15 DEC 1993 LANGE
Endowment: 22 NOV 1946 2
Endowment: 14 FEB 1995 LANGE
Note: Name: Étienne RACINE
Sex: M
Birth: 1607 in St-Germain-de-Fumichon,Lisieux,France
Death: 24 APR 1689 in Beaupré,Montmorency, Québec
Burial: 25 APR 1689 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré,Montmorency, Québec
Name: Étienne RACINE
Sex: M
Birth: 11 MAY 1607 in St-Germain-de-Fumichon,Lisieux,France
Christening: 1607 Paroisse St-Germain, Fumichon, Calvados, France
Death: 24 APR 1689 in Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré,Montmorency, Québec
Burial: 25 APR 1689 Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré,Montmorency, Québec
LDS Baptism: 15 MAR 1946
Endowment: 22 NOV 1946
Sealing Child: 5 NOV 1975 Temple: SALT LAKE TEMPLE
Reference Number: 8WR9-WD
Father: Rene RACINE b: 1577 in Fumichon,Normandy,France
Mother: Marie-Madeleine LOYSEL b: 1589 in Fumechon,Oise,France
Marriage 1 Marguerite MARTIN b: 4 JAN 1624 in Québec,Québec,Québec,Canada
Married: 22 MAY 1638 in Québec,,Québec,Canada
Sealing Spouse: 8 NOV 1951 in COMPLETED; Temple: ARIZONA
Anonyme RACINE b: 30 SEP 1640 in Québec,Que.,Que
Louise RACINE b: 2 SEP 1641 in Québec,Québec,Québec,Canada
Noel RACINE b: 26 DEC 1643 in Ste-Anne,De Beaupré,Montmorency,Que
Madeleine RACINE b: 25 JUL 1646 in Ste-Anne,De Beaupré,Montmorency,Que
François RACINE b: 22 AUG 1649 in Ste-Anne,De Beaupré,Mo;Ntmorency,Que
Marguerite RACINE b: 8 MAR 1652 in Ste-Anne,De Beaupré,Montmorency,Que
Pierre RACINE b: 26 OCT 1654 in Ste-Anne,De Beaupré,Montmorency,Que
Marie RACINE b: 1657 in Québec,Québec Co,Qc
Jeanne RACINE b: 1660 in Château-Richer,Montmorency I,Que
Étienne RACINE b: 4 AUG 1662 in Château-Richer,Montmorency I,Que
Étienne RACINE b: 30 SEP 1668 in Montmorency,,Québec
GENEALOGIE DES FAMILLIE CANADIENNE, 1608-1800: Volume 1, p 507, Vo l. 6, p 491
!BURIAL: Renee Jetté, "Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles du Québec"
1983, University of Montréal, Page 958.
He was from St-Germain de Fumichon, township and diocese of Lisieux, in No rmandie (now Calvados) France. It was said that he was 85 at his death, a nd answered that he was 59 at the 1666 recording, 61 in 1667 and 77 in 168 1, and living in Beaupré as a Carpenter.
The following is from http://membres.lycos.fr/ancetre/RacineE.htm
Né entre 1601 et 1607, dans le petit village de Fumichon, situé près de l' évêché de Lisieux, en Normandie. Étienne Racine le fils de René Raci ne et de Marie Loysel.
Étienne Racine arrive dans la colonie vers 1635. Il décide de fonder un fo yer, le 22 mai 1638, avec Marguerite Martin, fille d'Abraham Martin, dit l 'Écossais et de Marguerite Langlois, soeur de Françoise Langlois mariée av ec Pierre Desportes. La fiancée est âgée de 14 ans, baptisée à Québe c, le 4 janvier 1624. Une seule autre Française a vu le jour avant elle, d ans la colonie, Hélène Desportes, sa cousine, née vers 1620. C'est do nc le 22 mai 1638, que le mariage est célébré.
Étienne Racine a voyagé de 1644 à 1646, il accompagne les pères Brébe uf et Lalemant au pays des Hurons. Il revient à la naissance d'une fill e, baptisée Marie-Madeleine Racine, le 25 juillet 1646 et repart un mois p lus tard vers le lac Huron. En octobre 1647, il se rend en France avec Oli vier LeTardif, puis le 4 avril 1648, à La Rochelle, comme témoin du maria ge de Zacharie Cloutier fils, et de Madeleine Esmard.
En leur concédant une terre, le 27 mars 1650, Olivier LeTardif fait d'Étie nne Racine et de Marguerite Martin, les premiers pionniers de ce qui devie nt bientôt, Sainte-Anne de Beaupré.
Depuis 1640, dix enfants sont nés chez les Racine. Sur neuf qui atteigne nt l'âge adulte, trois ont une descendance qui nous concerne, dans cette g énéalogie.
Le premier, Noël Racine, né en 1640, épouse en 1667, Marguerite Gravel, n ée en 1651, file de Joseph-Massé Gravel et de Marguerite Tavernier. Ils so nt parents de dix enfants, dont deux filles Racine sont nos liens. Marguer ite Racine, née le 24 février 1664, devient l'épouse en 1690, de Franço is Paré. Puis, Marie-Anne Racine, née le 29 mars 1684, épouse en 1701, Jac ques Bolduc.
La deuxième enfant de l'ancêtre, leur fille Marie-Madeleine Racine, n ée en 1646, épouse en 1661, Noël Simard, dit Lombrette, fils de Pierre Sim ard, dit Lombrette et de Catherine Durand. Dix enfants Simard nous tisse nt des liens avec eux. En 1697, cette famille réside à la Petite-Rivière S aint-François, près du Cap Maillard.
Puis la troisième, enfant de l'ancêtre, qui nous concerne, Jeanne Racin e, né en 1660, épouse en 1682, Jean Paré, fils de Robert Paré et Françoi se Lehoux. Cette famille s'installe à Sainte-Anne de Beaupré.
L'aïeule, Marguerite Martin est décédée le 25 novembre 1679, à l'â ge de 55 ans. Étienne Racine l'a suivie dix ans plus tard, le 24 avril 168 9, âgé de près de 85 ans. Étienne est inhumé le lendemain, dans l'égli se de Sainte-Anne de Beaupré.
THE HISTORY OF THE RACINES IN AMERICA from Racine's Families Association
Beginning in the 17th century, many Racines chose America as their promis ed land. There were at least twenty Racines that decided to come and li ve in this new continent. They came mostly from France, Switzerland, as we ll as many other European countries. This document will focus on the mo st illustrious and the best known of the large Racine family, Étienne Raci ne, the ancestor shared by the majority of Racines in America.
Étienne Racine was born around 1606 in Fumichon, Normandy, France. He w as the son of Rene Racine and Marie Loysel. He had three brothers: Jean, P ierre, and Marguerin, as well as one sister, Marguerite.
Étienne's family was the only Racine family in the commune. It is believ ed that he was related to the Racines located in the villages of Morainvil le and Neuville sur Authou. Étienne's brother, Marguerin Racine, will fou nd a family and his descendance perpetuate to the 20th century. Unlike h is brothers, Étienne was educated in that he could sign his name and kn ew how to write. We also believe that Étienne's close relationship with t he Jesuits of New France originated from the bonds he developed during h is earlier days spent at one of the Jesuit college's in Normandy.
Étienne Racine arrived in Québec around 1634 after having been hired for t hree years in France as an indentured servant for Guillaume Hubou, a resid ent of Québec. Hubou was originally from the village of Mesnil-Durand, whi ch is located near the commune of Fumichon, Normandy.
On November 16, 1637, Étienne's marriage contract was drawn up by the nota ry Guilet. Étienne's future spouse, Marguerite Martin, age 13, at the tim e, was born in Québec in 1624. She was the daughter of Abraham Marti n, (a ship captain) and Marguerite Langlois. Because of her age (Marguerit e) they married one year later on May 22, 1638. The couple had ten childre n, 4 boys and 6 girls, who produced numerous descendants. Among the girl s, Marie Madelaine married Noel Simard, who is the ancestor to the Sima rd family in America. Marguerite married Jean Gagnon and Jeanne married Je an Pare, both of whom are ancestors to numerous Gagnon and Pare famili es in America.
Étienne left the Québec area for two years (1644-1646) and worked as a car penter for the Jesuits at St. Marie-Hurons. In 1647, he returned to Fran ce with Robert Giffard in order to recruit new settlers. He landed at La R ochelle, France and returned to Québec the following spring. For his parti cipation in this recruitment effort, his friend, Oliver LeTardif, Co-lo rd of Beaupré, on March 27, 1650 granted him a large property, 710 mete rs wide and 7200 meters deep. The land was located in Ste-Anne-de-Beaupr é. Because this land was the first to be granted and cultivated, Étienne c ould rightfully claim the title of "Founder" of the city of Ste-Anne-de-Be aupré. This would eventually become a famous site for many pilgrimages. Ma rguerite Martin died on November 25, 1679 and Étienne Racine died on Apr il 24, 1689 at the age of 83.
Étienne Racine divided his land among his four male heirs. Here are some g enealogical notes:
Noël Racine
married Marguerite Gravelle in 1167 at Château-Richer. They had 10 childre n. His descendants can be found mostly in Québec, British Colombia, and t he United States.
In Québec, his descendants can be found in the regions of Québec, Co te de Beaupré, Charlevoix, Saguenary, Lac St. Jean, La Monteregie, L'Estri e, Beauce Amiante, and Mauricie-Bois Francs.
In the United-States his descendants can be found mostly in the stat es of Wisconsin, New-Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts
François Racine married Marie Bauchet dit Morency in 1676 at St. Famill e, Île d'Orleans. They had 12 children. His descendants can be found in Qu ébec and the United States.
In Québec his descendants can be found in the regions of Québec, Cote de B eaupré, Montréal, Charlevoix, Lac St. Jean, Abitibi - Temiscamingue, Outao uais, Monteregie, Mauricie-Bois Francs, Beauce, and Lanaudiere.
In the United-States his descendants can be found mostly in the stat es of Michigan, Rhode-Island, New-York, Vermont, Montana, Nebraska, Massac husetts, Connecticut, Illinois.and California
Pierre Racine married Louise Guyon in 1683 at St. Famille, Île d'Orlean s. They had nine children. His descendants are primarily found in Québe c, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the United States.
This Québec descendants can be found in Montréal, Monterigie, and Lanaudie re. In Ontario, his descendants can be found in the communities of Russel l, Stormont, Prescott, Cornwall, and Ottawa.
In the United-States his descendants can be found mostly in the stat es of Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, New-Yo rk et Vermont.
Étienne Racine (son) married Catherine Guyon in 1683 at St. Famille, Île d 'Orleans and had 13 children. His descendants are primarily in Québec, Ont ario, and the United States. These Québec descendants can be found in t he regions of Québec, Cote de Beaupré, Montréal, Laval, Laurentides, Lanau diere, Mauricie-Bois Francs, Beauce, Monteregie, Outaouais, Lac St. Jea n, Abitibi, and Bas St. Laurent. His Ontario descendants can be found espe cially in the communities of Welland and Ottawa.
In the United-States his descendants can be found mostly in the stat es of Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota et Wisconsin.
General notes
Today in America, there are at least 100,000 descendants of Étienne Raci ne and Marguerite Martin.
Of this number, there are approximately 15,000 who carry the Racine nam e, and 8500 who are in Québec.
In the Canadian phone directories we find 3000 Racines inscriptions compar atively with 2000 in United-States
In 1993 and 1998, the Québec Commission of Topography designated two hillt ops in the Cote de Beaupré vicinity as Mount Étienne Racine and the Margue rite Martin summit. They forever memorialize the Racine family name.
These new geographical entities are part of the Laurentian Mountain ran ge and are located on Seminary of Québec lands, at the limits of Château-R icher and Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré cities.
A memorial plaque to Étienne and Marguerite is located at the chapel of St e-Anne-de-Beaupré, Québec, Canada
This commemorative plaque placed on the outside wall of the chapel is a tr ibute to our ancestor, Étienne Racine and his wife, Marguerite Martin. Th ey lived and died at Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré. The plaque was unveiled in 19 88 by Alexandre and Adrien Racine, long time farmers of the town. The cere mony took place in the presence of many Racine family members, and other g uests who attended the mass in the Basilica to celebrate the first Raci ne Family Association reunion.
The actual memorial chapel, also named commemorative or old church, was bu ilt in 1877 with demolished materials from the third church (1676-1876).
It is worth remembering that the first church, built in 1658, the second o ne (1661-1672), and the third one (1676-1876) were successively the plac es of worship of our ancestor Étienne Racine and his Family.
Father: René Racine b: 1577 in Fumichon, Normandie, Calvados, France
Mother: Marie Loysel b: 1589 in Fumichon, Normandie, Calvados, France
Marriage 1 Marguerite Martin b: 4 JAN 1624 in Québec c: 24 JAN 1624 in Québec City, Québec- Married: 22 MAY 1638 in Québec 3 1 2
- Married: 22 MAY 1638 in Québec, Québec, Canada
- Sealing Spouse: 8 NOV 1951 in Arizona 2
- Sealing Spouse: 8 NOV 1951 in COMPLETED; Temple: ARIZONA 4
Children Anonyme Racine b: 30 SEP 1640 in Québec City, Québec c: 30 SEP 1640 in Québec City, Québeca
Louise Racine b: 2 SEP 1641 in Québec City, Québec c: 2 SEP 1641 in Québec City, Québec
Noël Racine b: 26 DEC 1643 in Québec c: 26 DEC 1643 in Québec
Marie-Madeleine Racine b: 25 JUL 1646 in Québec c: 25 JUL 1646 in Québec City, Québec
François Racine b: 22 AUG 1649 in Québec City, Québec c: 22 AUG 1649 in Québec City, Québec, Québec, Canada
Marguerite Racine b: 8 MAR 1652 in Québec City, Québec c: 8 MAR 1652 in Québec City, Québec
Pierre Racine b: 26 OCT 1654 in Château-Richer, Montmorency, Québec c: 26 OCT 1654 in Château-Richer, Montmorency, Québec
Marie Racine b: ABT 1657 in Château-Richer, Montmorency, Charlevoix, Québec
Jeanne Racine b: 1660 in Château-Richer, Montmorency, Québec c: 1660 in Château-Richer, Montmorency, Québec
Étienne Racine b: 3 AUG 1662 in Château-Richer, Montmorency, Québec c: 14 AUG 1662 in Château-Richer, Montmorency, Québec, Canada
- Title: Tremblay.FTW
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Aug 9, 2000
- Title: Denis Savard, Toronto, Ontario, http://savart.info/
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Aug 23, 2000
- Title: GEDCOM Import
Text: Tome 2 Recueil de Genealogies des Comtes de Charlevoix et Saguenay by Frere Eloie-Gerard, f.m.s. 1996 p. 938
- Title: Ordinance Index (TM)
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 25 Jan 2000 Edition
Note: NAME Family History Library
ADDR 35 N. West Temple Street
CONT Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA
from Rootsweb.com -- "Etienne arrived in New France in about 1635. His marriage contract is dated Nov 16 1637 by Notaire: Hean Guitet but the actual marriage ceremony was 22 May 1638 in Québec City. Marguerite Martin is the grand-daughter of Abraham Martin for whom the famous Plaines of Abraham were named. Etienne Jr & Marguerite Martin had at least 10 children 1. Child Racine died shortly after birth. 2. Louise, 3. Noel, 4. Francois, 5 . Marguerite, 6. Pierre, 7. Marie, 8. Jeanne, 9. Etienne III, & 10 Marie-Madeleine."
Death recorded at Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre, Beaupre, Quebec
From http:/sites.rapidus.net/mirobert/DUBEAU%20anc.pdf (loosely translated into English)
Étienne Racine
Several "Racine" chose the seventeenth century America as a welcoming place. We have over two dozen who have decided to come and live on this new continent. They came mainly from France, Switzerland but also from several other European countries. ...the most illustrious and best known family of Racine, Étienne, the common ancestor of the majority of the Racine of America.
Etienne Racine was born in about 1606 to Fumichon (Normandy). He is the son of Rene Racine and Marie Loysel and has three brothers: Jean, Pierre and Marguerin and a sister, Marguerite. As the family of Etienne is the only family of the common Racine, we can think it would be related with those of neighboring villages Morainville and Neuville-sur-Authou...Unlike his brothers, Etienne was educated because he knows sign and write. It is believed that its close ties with the Jesuits in New France had their origin in a stay in one of their colleges of Normandy.
Etienne Racine comes to Quebec around 1634, probably after having been committed in France for three years as a domestic by Guillaume Hubou, a resident of Quebec, who was born in the village Le Mesnil-Durand, near the town of Fumichon. He make his marriage contract on 16 November 1637 by the notary Guitet. His future wife, Marguerite Martin, aged 13, was born in Quebec in 1624 daughter of Abraham Martin and Marguerite Langlois. Considering its age, the marriage will be celebrated on 22 May in the church of Quebec. The couple has ten children, four boys and six girls who produce a large offspring. Of her daughters, Marie-Madelaine marry Nöel Simard, ancestor of the Simards of America.
Back to Quebec after having exercised his profession as a carpenter for two years (1644 to 1646) with the Jesuits at Sainte-Marie among the Hurons (Georgian Bay), he picks up in 1647 for France with Robert Giffard for recruited new settlers. He arrived in La Rochelle where he will be in Quebec City the following spring. This trip will be worth it, 27 March 1650, his friend Olivier Le Tardif co-lord of Beaupré, the grant of an immense land of 710 meters in front and a depth of 7200 meters in Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré . Since this is the first granted land and operated the resort, he can claim the title of pioneer founder of this city, which later became a famous place of pilgrimage.
Marguerite Martin died on 25 November 1679 and Etienne on 24 April 1689 at the age of 83 years...
Source: Denis Racine Association des familles Racine Inc. |
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